Processing math: 88%



1. For a two dimensional array A, if the location of A(4,3) is 1000 and A(3,5) is 1013. Assume that each element occupies 1 address. What is the location of A(2,2)? (10%)


2. Which of the choices DO NOT contain two equivalent expressions? Note that A^B is AB. (15%)

(a) Infix    A+B-C            Prefix  -+ABC
(b) Postfix  AB+CD-*          Prefix  *+AB-CD
(c) Postfix  AB^C*D-EF/GH+/+  Prefix  +-*^ABCD//EF+GH
(d) Postfix  AB+C*DE--FG+^    Prefix  ^-*+ABC-DE+FG
(e) None of the above


3. Read the following data in the given order: (30%)


(a) If you create a max heap for them, what will be the value in root? (10%)
(b) If you create a 2-3 tree for them, what will be the value in root? (10%)
(c) If you create an AVL tree for them, what will be the value in root? (10%)

參考解答:(a) 105 (b) 65 (c) 45

4. Use the Bellman-Ford algorithm, STEP BY STEP, to find the shortest path and the length from node 0 to node 6 in the following graph. Note that you get 0 point without showing the result after each step. (15%)


5. Consider the merge sort and quick sort. Let L1 and L2 be two sorted lists of m and n elements, respectively. (15%)

(a) What is the maximum number of comparisons needed for merging L1 and L2? (5%)
(b) What is the minimum number of comparisons needed for merging L1 and L2? (5%)
(c) Both merge sort and quick sort are suitable for external sorting. Right? Explain your answer. (5%)

(a) m + n – 1
(b) min(m, n)
(c) No, only merge sort is suitable for external sorting.

6. Describe three key points for designing a good hashing function. (15%)

1. Simple and Fast
2. The less collision the better
3. The hash function uniformly distributes the data across the entire set of possible hash values


