一、Data Structures (50%)
1. Answer True or False for the following statements. Give correct answers for False statements. (30%, 6% for each question)
(1) In static hashing, the worst-case number of comparisons needed for a successful search is O(n) for open addressing. The number could be reduced to O(logn) by using balanced search tree.
(2) Let di be the degree of vertex i in a graph G with |V|=n and |E|=e, then e = \sum_{i = 0}^{n – 1}d_i.
(3) The path from vertex u to vertex v on a minimal cost spanning tree of an undirected graph G is also a shortest path from u to v.
(4) Let G be a graph with e edges and v vertices. If G is represented by adjacency lists, DFS requires O(ev^2) time.
(5) If an AOV network represents a feasible project, its topological order is not unique.
參考解答:(1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F (5) F
2. A Bloom Filter consists of m bits of memory and h uniform and independent hash functions f_1,f_2,…,f_h. Each f_i hashes a key k to an integer in the range [1,m]. Initially all m filter bits are zero, and the data set is empty. When key k is added to the data set, bits f_1(k),f_2(k),…,f_h(k) of the filter are set to 1. When a query “Is key k in the data set?” is made, bits f_1(k),f_2(k),…,f_h(k) are examined. The query answer is “maybe” if all these bits are 1. Otherwise, the answer is “no.” A filter error occurs whenever the answer is “maybe” and the key is not in the data set. Assume that key k is an integer in the range [1,n] and u updates are made. Compute the probability of filter error for an arbitrary query after the u-th update. (10%)
3. Consider the following graph:

Compute minimum cost and construct minimum spanning tree. (10%)
二、Algorithms (50%)
1. Is 5^{n + 1} = O(5^n)? Is 6^{2n} = O(6^n)? (10%)
參考解答:Yes, No.
2. Give asymptotic upper and lower bound for T(n) = \sqrt{n}T(\sqrt{n}) + n. Assume that T(n) is constant for sufficiently small n. Make your bounds as tight as possible. (10%)
3. Show how the time complexity of quicksort can be made to run in O(nlgn) time. (10%)
(1) Find the median of medians x.
(2) Let x be the pivot key and perform normal quicksort.
T(n) = 2T(\dfrac{n}{2}) + O(n) = O(nlgn).
4. Determine an Longest Common Subsequence of <1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1> \text{ and } <0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0>. (10%)
5. If possible, use the master method to solve T(n) = 27T(\dfrac{n}{3}) + \Theta(\dfrac{n^3}{lgn}). (10%)
想請問演算法第三題,應該不是 Randomized Quick Sort 的證明 ?
還有資演 2 感覺在 wiki English version 有
我不是用randomized quick sort的證明,不過應該要證那個比較好~感謝!我找找看。