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資料結構 (50%)

1. Answer True or False for the following statements. Give correct answers for False statements. (20%)

(1) Let G be a graph with e edges and v vertices. If G is represented by adjacency lists, DFS requires O(v2) time.
(2) If an AOV network represents a feasible project, its topological order is unique.
(3) In static hashing, the worst-case number of comparisons needed for a successful search is O(n) for open addressing. The number could be reduced to O(logn) by using chaining method.
(4) Let di be the degree of vertex i in a graph G with |V|=n and |E|=e, then e=n1n=0di.
(5) The path from vertex u to vertex v on a minimal cost spanning tree of an undirected graph G is also a shortest path from u to v.

參考解答:(1) F (2) F (3) F (4) F (5) F

2. Given the following 8 runs: (15%)


(1) Draw the corresponding winner tree.
(2) Draw the restructured winner tree after one record has been output.
(3) Draw the loser tree based on the answer of question (2).
(4) Derive the total required time to merge n records through a winner tree with k runs.







(4) O(nlgk)

3. Consider the following AOE network: (15%)


(1) Obtain e(i) and l(i) for all activity i.
(2) List all critical activities.
(3) List all critical paths.



(2) a1,a3,a4,a6,a8,a11,a12.
(3) v0v1v4v7v8 v0v3v5v8

演算法 (50%)

1. Answer True or False for the following statements. Give correct answers for False statements. (20%)

(1) If P equals NP, then NP equals NP-complete.
(2) Any n-node unbalanced tree can be balanced using O(logn) rotations.
(3) Let A1,A2 and A3 be three sorted arrays of n real numbers (all distinct). In the comparison model, constructing a balanced binary search tree of the set A1A2A3 requires Ω(nlogn) time.
(4) Let P be a shortest path from some vertex s to some other vertex t in a graph. If the weight of each edge in the graph is increased by one, P remains a shortest path from s to t.
(5) We can claim that there is a simpler way to reweight edges than the method used in Johnson’s algorithm. Letting w=min(u,v)E{w(u,v)}, just define \hat{w}(u,v) = w(u,v) – w^* for all edges (u,v) \in E.

參考解答:(1) T (2) F (3) F (4) F (5) F

2. Give a tight asymptotic upper bound on the solution to the following recurrence. (10%)

\begin{equation} T(n) = \begin{cases} 16T(\dfrac{n}{2})+\Theta(1) & \text{if $n^2 > M,$}\\ M & \text{if $n^2 \leq M;$} \end{cases} \end{equation}


3. Prove that the longest increasing subsequence problem can be reduced to the edit distance problem. (10%)


4. Consider the linear-programming system with 9 different constraints x_1 – x_5 \leq -5, \, x_1 – x_4 \leq -2, \, x_2 – x_1 \leq -3, \, x_2 – x_3 = 8, \, x_3 – x_1 \leq 5, \, x_3 – x_5 \leq 2, \, x_4 – x_3 \leq -3, \, x_5 – x_1 \leq 6, \, x_5 – x_4 \leq 1, (1) Draw the constraint graph for these constraints. (2) Solve for the unknowns x_1, \, x_2, \, x_3, \, x_4, and x_5 or explain if no solution exists. (10%)




6 留言

  1. yuzhi


    • 文章作者的留言



      • yuzhi

        不好意思是演算法部分的第二題 求tight asymptotic upper bound的那道題目

        T(n) = 16T(n/2)+Θ(1)這題

        • 文章作者的留言


          這題可以用這棵recursion tree來解釋:
          其中h滿足\dfrac{n}{2^h}^2 \leq M \iff \dfrac{n}{2^h} \leq \sqrt{M} \iff h = \lceil lg(\dfrac{n}{\sqrt{m}}) \rceil
          可得T(n) = c + 16c + 16^2c + … + 16^{h-1}c + 16^hM = \Theta(16^hM) = \Theta(M \cdot 16^{lg(\dfrac{n}{\sqrt{m}})})
          = \Theta(M(\dfrac{n}{\sqrt{M}})^4) = \Theta(\dfrac{n^4}{M})

  2. John


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